Ibsen - han var for sterk, det sto kvinner bak ham

Ibsen - han var for sterk, det sto kvinner bak ham

Premiere feat. Bærum Teaterselskap


Lille Scene


Bærum Teaterselskap

Do you know Ibsen's plays? Do you think he is old-fashioned and dull as a dramatist? A man who didn't understand women?

Modern interpretations of Ibsen's plays prove that they are just as relevant today, especially when looking at the female roles.

Join BÆTS on a journey through many of his plays, and above all, his life!

Bærum Teaterselskap, BÆTS, has its world premiere as they stage Bjørn Birch's brand-new play: "Ibsen - he was too strong, there were women behind him."



Price: 0 - 240
Duration: 2 timer m/pause
  • Friday 22. March 2024 Kl. 19:00
    This show is played

Lille Scene

Rådmann Halmrasts vei 2
1337 Sandvika
Inngang i Bakgården.